Are you are interested in owning a bus bench advertising business and selling bench advertising? Your first step will be to obtain a city bus bench advertising franchise or agreement from your local city or county, council members. With their consent you will be allowed to place bench advertising on public property, on right of ways, sidewalks, the parkway and other public property frontings, for the accommodation of persons awaiting public transportation. This is usually a city ordinance granting exclusive rights for a eight or ten year city bus bench ad franchise for the placements of privately owned advertising bench ads. This type of advertising business franchise, once obtained, can be very valuable. For a business model it offers a high cash flow, asset value and a new business opportunity for a home based business startup. This is your opportunity to own your own bus bench advertising business and do work from home!
This is a 3 ring quality folder whose purpose is to assist you in your presentation to the city council members and mayor. It contains 4: 8×10 photos, 3: 5×7 and 8: 4×6 photos of various bench advertising. These bench photos were chosen to help illustrate points in which the city would have the most interest in, for your proposed bench advertising franchise. It has a clear plastic pocket where you place your insurance copy and personal letter (we provide a sample). It contains two pages of why the city should consider you and your bus bench advertising franchise proposal. Also you receive, sample copies of city zoning bench advertising ordinances, agreements and resolutions’. A city proposal sample and much more! This package is not only information for you in how to work with the city and what to offer, but also the presentation manual itself to be presented to the city during your presentation! One sold bench ad for a month will pay for this presentation from your profits!
Bus Bench construction expenses vary depending upon the bench designs. A nice bus bench made with a wooden seat and two cement legs cost you about $200.00 to build. Or the higher end includes a steel constructed bus bench with wooden seating and plexiglas ad framing which cost about $700.00 manufactured. We make both bus bench models, plus the new, smaller, economy grocery benchad model for store front and convience store advertising. We can provide in most cases in-house financing for your purchases.
If properly maintained the bus benches will last for many years and are inheritly more comfortable than if made by all steel constuction. Benches with steel seating or backs will conduct heat or cold much greater than wood. In other words a metal bench seat or back rest in the summer or in warm climate areas will get very hot to the touch (definitely not good for wearing shorts) and in the winter are very cold to the touch. This is why you see so many commercial outdoor benches made with exterior pressure treated lumber and annually maintained with a paint on sealer. There are a number of companies making or selling all steel constructed benches. However they don’t have to handle the complaints from the city on cold or hot days from irriate bus riders who sat on them, or the potential lawsuits!
Bus bench advertising profits in the industry are large, with excellent cash flow! Generally speaking bus benches rent for $115.00 to $260.00 per month, to advertise on, depending upon the market. One company owns 10,000 bus benches alone! If they were all rented out at just $115.00, that would be $1,150,000.00 per month gross income! Unlike billboards there are no bench ad leases, instead you have the city bench ad franchise or city agreement. Usually a bench ad franchise fee to the city, runs about $50.00 to $150.00 per year. So you are renting them for $115.00 to $260.00 per month and paying out to the city for the bus bench franchise fee only $50.00 to $150.00 per year! I think you are now able to see the business profit potential for making money from bench advertising ownership is very large. For the bench advertising business you can do work from home and besides saving office rental expenses you also have a nice home tax deduction. Of course this won’t work if you have 10,000 benches! One final note about income. If you had 100 benches up in your city, and they rented for $175.00 per month each, your bench advertising business asset value would be about $140,000.00 with a monthly gross income of $17,500.00 and yes, you could do work from your home.
I am sure you see the potential merits for owning a bus bench business. I have had many small business clients email me back explaining how the contents of this city presentation helped them through the city franchise process. I highly recommend this item and you can use this presentation over-again in other communities. You can make copies and place them in a less expensive folder for leave behinds with the mayor, head of transit, bldg inspector, zoning or city council member etc. This presentation manual for obtaining a city bus bench advertising franchise’ is a must, both in its contents, it’s information and the 35 plus years of experience in assembling this information.
Some of this information is offered in our main Bizkits4u manual for the outdoor billboard and bus bench advertising business at However, this presentation manual offered here goes much further in detail on the bus bench city franchise and is for the successful business entrepreneur in their final stage before talking with the city.
We Wrote the Book On How to Build and Own a Bus Bench Advertising Business!!