This is a 3 ring: quality folder for use in your sales department for bus bench advertising sales presentations and locating potential advertisers for your bench ads.  It is meant to be used by your salesman in their presentations to sell advertising on your bus benches and contains numerous 8x10s, 5×7 photos. These photos have been chosen from our vast selection with the purpose of sales. Example, uncluttered areas showing a colorful bench ad, with bold copy and a prestigious customer. Also two pages of  bench advertising sales points, CPM comparison, a clear plastic sleeve for your 8×10 city map…showing your bench ad locations and page with sample art work, plus much more. Designed to help you start selling your bus bench advertising and increase sales in your outdoor market. Also includes a audio book on CD  “sell Anything” with 11 featured tracks on the art of salesmanship. Use this sales manual to make more money from your bus bench advertising business.

  Some of this information above is offered in our main Bizkits manual for the billboard and bus bench ads business at . However, this bus bench advertising salesman presentation manual offered here goes much further in detail, in materials and is a self contained salesman presentation for use when calling on potential advertising clients for bench ad sales.